Our People

We’ve worked hard to develop good governance to help us make good, strong decisions we all can understand.

Acting Chairman

Trevor Djarrakaykay

Chief Executive Officer

Helen Truscott

Balbara Manager

Otto Campion


Dale Djanbadi

Mali Djarrbal

Neville Gulaygulay

Otto Campion

Gladys Womati Malibirr

Norman Daymirringu

Trevor Djarrakaykay

Sammy Guyula

Sammy Guyula

Joanne Guyula

Joanne Guyula

David Bidingal

David Bidingal

Rena Guyula

Rena Guyula

South East Arafura Groups Coordinator

Sammy Guyula

Miyalk Supervisor

Mali Djarrbal

Ranger Manager

Yaakov Bar-lev

Ranger & Maintenance Coordinator

Grant Harvey

Ecological monitoring / IPA Coordinator

Darcy Roeger

Senior Ranger Wanga Djakamirr

Charlie Ramandjarri

Crocodile facility Coordinator

Jarred Tenikoff

Administration & Information Support

Jhona Gener

Healthy Country Plan

We know that the land needs its people to care for it and to keep it healthy. In the same way we know that caring for the country keeps us healthy – physically, spiritually and mentally.